Thats what i was waiting for long time.
in E3 2 years ago they show us a little video of killzone on vita and i really wished that this is what i was waiting for and when i saw the trailers it looks good but when i got it its alot alot alot better then all trailer and review, amazing new weapons and specialy the van guard weapons, after all the game is better then ps3 game.
STORY : 10 of 10
i thought the story is nothing about the real series, but it is the game story is between killzone 1 and 2 and first 2 missions was in Vekta when the helghans was there, and the rest was in Helghan, and you see when the helghan Nuke there city.
Gameplay : 9.5 of 10
real amazing gameplay i loved the intoregation touch and melee touch and van guard touch, same as playing in normal dual shock.
Sound : 10 of 10
the sound is great and we will need alot of silencer weapons in the game and i loved the voice acting there is alot of talking from the enemy.
Multiplayer : 9.0 of 10
real fun like allways but there is not exoskeleten or mounted guns in it, but the van guard weapons cover all these things.
Total : 10 of 10
Best Portable Game Ever.