Halo killer? You better believe it!!!!

User Rating: 9.6 | Killzone PS2
Here you have the most underrated game of the year, if not ever. Killzone is a masterpiece put simply and if you own a PS2, why don't you own this game already? Stunning visuals, amazing sounds and it is like nothing you are likely to play on any console, ever. Halo is alright, Doom is fun, but they cannot match Killzone. If you were wating for the Halo killer this is it. The game is one of the most stunning games ever put to console. Devloper Guerrilla has done something that no one has yet to match on any console. First off the game has a gritty, filtered look to it, causing it to almost look fuzzy, and grainy, like you watching some old war footage. Secondly would be the special effects, which have yet to matched. Explosions look like explosions and gunshots look like gunshots. If you could choose a game with better visuals, you'd be hard pressed to find one. The game does occasionally have some graphical glitches, but nothing that is likely to take you out of the experience. It truly is a wonder to look at, and is well worth double what they are asking for the graphics alone. The sound is also unlike most. The distant sounds of gunfire, the boom your gun makes when you shoot. The score is also amazing, like a summer blockbuster. The voice acting is all top par and if you can find a game that sounds much better than this, let me know, because I can't think of any. In closing I have only one thing that I must say. All the critics who worship Halo and refuse to play this game are missing out. I have already had 3 of my friends come up to me and tell me this is the best time they have ever had playing a shooter, and I wouldn't be suprised to find that if you haven't played this game yet, you are missing out. Plain and simple buy, and now that it is $20, you can buy the same game I did for $50 and you will thank your self for doing so.