Come on, its not that bad at all!

User Rating: 8.6 | Killzone PS2
There are hundreds of full reviews for Killzone, so i wont go into all the details, im just here to give my opinion, and stick up for the poor game!

I only bought Killzone yesterday, I bought it halfprice in Game, and so I wasnt caught up in the whole Halo Killer hype. Ive only played Halo once so I dont know how they compaire. Im a huge fan of FPS's, particular favourites being Day of Defeat, Timesplitters 2 and 3 and the Medal of Honor series. In the the time i have left to wait for Black to be released i bought Killzone to keep me amused, and i have to say im very impressed!

Lets get the negatives out the way first. Yes the graphics are very dodgy in places. The backgrounds are very very dull. Its all part of the art direction, i mean in the middle of a war its unlikely that your going to see bright coloured buildings, but after 3 levels in a grey room, you start to get bored. The A.I has had alot of stick, but i dont find it that bad. Well, your team mates are rubbish but im more interested in the enemies. When i see enemies, i dont stop and look at what action they take, i shoot them! Close range combat is hard if your not prepaired, although there is a one hit kill melee attack which is a good fun.

Now, the good parts! The guns are fantastic, brilliant detailed and animated with some amazing concepts. Each character can hold 3 weapons and switch between them, although most weapons have a secondary fire, so its possible to have 2 assault rifles, a shotgun, a grenade launcher and a pistol all at once! Now alots been said about the extra characters being useless, and later in the game this may be true, but im now playing as luger the spy, and im having a great time!

So to summarise, If you bought this, then stuck it on in a living room full of your x-box owning mates laughing evilly, then....well im sorry. But if your looking for a solid, fun shooter, then i really recommend picking this up!