I don't see why so many people bashed this game.

User Rating: 7.6 | Killzone PS2
Today I just beat Killzone, and after finishing it I wondered why so many had bashed this game, it came to me why, Halo, most of the people who I saw/heard bashing Killzone were Halo players who didn't even own a PS2 or Killzone. The game did seem a little bad at first, when I popped in the disc and the beginning movie started I was pretty amazed with the graphics and depth that the story was going into, even if it did take more than enough Nazi/Hitler puns. But when the main menu popped up, the graphics took a serious turn for the worst, but that is probably one of the least important aspects of a game, or should be for any game.
The controls are pretty hard to attach yourself to, I adjusted fine when I switched the Sprint and Use buttons around, making the game much much better for me. Keep in mind that this game will put a lot of wear into your dual shock controller, the main story/campaign alone took me 30+ hours to complete, and I spent another 5+ hours with the Battlefield/Multiplayer options. The Battlefield is what will keep you playing this game for a while, even after you've finished the main story/campaign, the Battlefield has enough options to keep anyone busy, but it has its flaws, like character selection, just choose your side, Helghast or ISA, nothing beyond those two, just one character for each force.
Although there is another character aspect that will keep you playing. The character selection for the main game, you can play as one of the four main characters in most of the missions, you meet each character as you progress through the game, with the addition of each character you will find your favorite and the most functional to your liking.
For a FPS, especially on a console, this game is really difficult at first, on Easy, the game will get you frustrated, as it is no easy, fly by night, game. Playing the game on Normal or Hard will thus proove your skills with this game, and especially if your a completist such as me, but once you've gotten a hold on the controls and AI tendency this game will become very easy unfortunatly.
Overall, Killzone isn't a perfect game by any means, but it surly isn't a bad one either, if you give this game a chance tweaking it a bit and stop thinking about other games you will enjoy this game for what positives it does have.