Its an interesting game, but does need a little more work.

User Rating: 8.4 | Killzone PS2
Killzone is a game that is definitly an interesting franchise, as an owner of the game i like to say it is worth playing the story mode in all difficultys. The multiplayer (wish there was Co-op) is ok, thought the game needed a little more work...when you can see some enemies walking like South park Characters. The enemys can be very repetitive, although you can take a slight difference on the diffiulcty of the enemy by the Clothes they wear. The levels themselves are quite time taking and needs your attention. The cutscenses are remarkable, it pushes the PS2 graphics to a great amount of limit. Shooting is realistic, though the shaking of the gun itself can get a little annoying making you sometimes miss the enemy. The close combat system is not too bad, but sometimes you can miss. Gun variety is an ok selection though can be very fun. Overall its a game worth playing, if you are not into FPS...don't worry about it.