When I first played Killzone, I knew my hard earned cash wasn't blown away on some 2 bit piece 'o junk that anybody with a brain could fish out of the bargin bin. I had gotten a wonderful game with some of the most fun multiplayer I have ever had the pleasure of partisipating in. Of corse, the graphics don't look all that nice, but it's something you will eaisly forget about. The gameplay is chalenging and will keep you coming back for more. The sound, it sounds good. But the best thing is firing up Killzone and playing a 500 kill Team Death Match with 7 people on each side. And that's all I have to say about that.
This game is not a Halo 1 killer, however it is a super fabulous fps, with an awesome story.... Graphics don't make a game, but they help in Killzone. Overall, this game has better graphics than Halo 2! That is my opi... Read Full Review
Killzone is one of those games that really shouldnt be missed if your a fan of the FPS genre. It has a fanastic gritty realism that I've yet to experience in another FPS. Multiple characters, awesome Variety of armamamen... Read Full Review