A very solid and immersive shooter, possibly the best shooter on the PS2 since Medal of Honor: Frontline.
Lets start out with the graphics. The graphics in this game are possibly the best on the PS2, although it faces some stiff competition with Shadow of the Colossus. I seriously couldn't believe it was running on my PS2. Although there can be some frame rate problems from time to time.
The sound is amazing. The soundtrack itself is nothing special, but everything just sounds amazing. All the guns sound right, as well as the explosions. The best part about the sound in my opinion, is the battle that you can always hear going on in the background. Its really well done and makes it really feel like you're in the middle of a viscous battle.
The game play is where the game starts to slide a bit. While I really liked how realistic it felt to move and sprint to cover, there were some problems. The first that comes to mind is the enemy A.I. which seems to cheat at times, making the game overly difficult. The biggest complaint about game play though is the controls. They are extremely annoying, once you get used to them they work fine though I guess, well except the sniper, I hate using that thing with a passion.
Overall its a fun experience if you like shooters high in realism. Fantastic controls, tolerable controls, an immersive background, and decent multi player. I'd give it a try if you haven't, make up your mind about this game for yourself.