The truth about KillZone. My first review
Killzone is set in the future, there is a War going on between the humans and the Helghast. The Helghast are a faction of human descendants who colonized the planet Helghan many generations ago.
At times, the story is hard to follow, because they do not explain everything.
Game play:
Very good you can hold up to three weapons at a time you are able to sprint, also can regain health when you were taken too much damage. Later in the game you can play as three more characters in the game, they all have different abilities.
By using the other characters, some will have certain paths to take then the others. The difficulty is weird I put it on easy since I was new to killzone and the last few levels got harder for me. Nevertheless, I did eventually beat it.
Final Verdict:
The bad side to Killzone is it lack re-play value yes you can go to a level and play it with a different character or play an other difficulty. However, it does not add much. Some of the level design is flawed you will see white lines in the indoor levels. Some of the AI is dumb the helghast some times just stands there. As for the Teammate AI they do not work, as well they just keep getting themselves shot.
Overall, it is a crap game once you beat it. However, it does have multiplayer on-line and off. The developers should have spent more time working on the game and added in some extras like infinite ammo. I say rent it I only bought it to add it to my collection. Maybe Killzone 2 will be better.