Probably the greatest first person shooter on the ps2! great graphics and gamplay along with a great storyline. 9/10

User Rating: 9.1 | Killzone PS2
Well where do you start? Killzone is a game like no other. The graphics are superb, the gameplay is amazing and the storyline is gripping.
Killzone allows you to take control of four different characters, all with different capabilities and all with different weapons. The further you go in the game, the more you get to play with different characters.
The storyline. Well it's simple. Your job is to fight off the deadly helghast invasion and stop them from taking over Vekta.( The city that the game is set in) However, it soon becomes clear later in the story that the Helghast are recieving inside information from one of the high ranked officers in charge of the ISA.( The army in which the characters you play as fight for. Kind of like the SAS!) And i can tell you know, it's not who you would expect it to be! Even i was surprised when i find out who it was.
Killzone also offers a wide range of weapons. From regular ISA and Helghast assult rifles, to daggers, sniper rifles, pistols, grenade launchers, chain guns... I think you get the idea! And the best bit is you can't find all the weapons on each level, so if you want to get the better weapons you will have to play on. Which in Killzone's case, is not a bad thing!
Killzone is simplay a game that you can pick up and play no matter what sort of mood your in. Whether your stressed and want to let off a bit of asteam or just fancy kicking some Helghast ass! This is truly a great game!