A game that was overhyped, Killzone is just a game that did not pan out to its expectations.

User Rating: 6.1 | Killzone PS2
There are not many good things to say about Killzone. For starters, its campaign mode did not feature a cohesive story plot (The story was not interesting and did not have a good introduction), the characters were not developed, and its weapons were just not innovative at all. To get into more detail about the weapons is that they were simply not useful or easy to use. For example, a lot of the weapons in the game featured scopes on the outside but did not have a scope function when zoomed in. Another thing that can be said about the game is that its health system was not well made because it would just regenerate random chunks of health (And this was only availiable in campaign mode). As for the multiplayer segment of the game, Killzone did not have well designed maps, of which were just bad modifications of their campaign maps. To add to Killzone's poor gameplay, the campaign and multiplayer modes had a horrific frame rate, which made the gameplay boring and made aiming harder than it should have been. Another factor that makes the gameplay terrible is how it is just not fun to kill people in the game. A good thing that can be said about Killzone is its graphics. The graphics in Killzone are very detailed for a Playstation 2 game and its in game structures are also very impressive. However, if Guerilla (the developer of Killzone) intends on making a hit FPS, then they better fix all of the flaws in Killzone.