What might seem like a good game at first, is actually very bad.

User Rating: 3 | Killzone PS2
People who give this anything above a five must be either completly insane or have not played a good shooter. This games story line isnt that bad, but the way its layed out makes me want to puke at the though of it. The characters are so damn typical and unintresting that looking at there faces makes me wanna take my controler and shove it up my nose and then sneeze while keeping my eyes open. At first the game seems pretty good, graphics look fine, sound is good, gameplay isnt that bad. Eventually however, your going to end up seeing some wierd glitches that delete peoples hair or make them look cross eyed, notice that the sound sometimes is off, and your playing the same boring gameplay that you have been playing over and over and over again. The AI manages to be one of the worst ever designed, most of the time your going to see them shoot the wall and walk in circles. The worst of it all is the ending. I wont spoil it for you, but your doing all this hard work to get such a cheesy and ridiculous ending that they probably thought of in a second! If your wondering about multiplayer, its the best part of the game. However once again, the AI is so bad your going to need to play with other people. Dont make the same mistake I did and buy this game. Just walk away.