Killzone, uhh, is an ok game with good multiplayer and very realistic camera but ps2 sort of drags it down to the dirt. There have been really good looking ps2 games with constant framerates that absolutely kill the Killzone visuals. This game manages to pull off some awesome details and so on but the framerate and the popup makes it look like dirt. Also some of the levels are quite gritty and some are perfectly clean, wtf is up with that. The online and overall multiplayer is great but there are only a few good maps. Gameplay: +fun/-at times +cool weapons and lots of them -slow -crappy aiming -crappy walking -crappy shooting Graphics: +great texturing +great detail +good loading times -horrible framerate -bad draw distance -huge amount of popup which is usually delayed 2-3 seconds -AI doesn't do much... except shoot Sound: +ok music and gunshots -bad everything else -annoying ambience Value: +Bots! +Online! +20-30 hour campaign -which is repetative -filled with glitches -and the quality of the game is quite poor for fifty bucks Want a laggy fps with lots of cool qualities filled with glitches and crap? Get Killzone!
This game is not a Halo 1 killer, however it is a super fabulous fps, with an awesome story.... Graphics don't make a game, but they help in Killzone. Overall, this game has better graphics than Halo 2! That is my opi... Read Full Review
Killzone is one of those games that really shouldnt be missed if your a fan of the FPS genre. It has a fanastic gritty realism that I've yet to experience in another FPS. Multiple characters, awesome Variety of armamamen... Read Full Review