Taunting someone online with out talking has never felt this good.
The process of setting up took just a few minutes and was quite easy and it was neat seeing the red lasers and cameras setting up. (Don't believe ign when they say it was challenging ROFL.)
PLEASE don't look at the user Scores/review because i guarentee not one of those people that hit 1/10 actually played the game.
Note: For those that don't know the Kinect has a built in mike for talking to opponents or friends and it's quite responsive and i've had no issues so far.
This game bored me other then bowling and ping pong but once i hit online it was a blast (i've only played ping pong online so far.)
One of the biggest differences between Kinects P-pong and Tennis on the Wii is you acutally have to move from side to side and try and do back swings. ( the wii all you do is flick your wrist and your guy jumps at the ball.)
It also supprised me that depending on how hard you throw your arm determines the speed of the ball ( same goes for bowling.) and after 30 minutes i actually start to get a little tired and was MUCH better then i thought.
Vollyball was alright (you jump and swing your arms ect) it's just the menus that tell you the ball is coming at you is a little irrating because they are quite large.)
Bowling is a little easy but still fun and good with friends and the controls are accurate.
(havn't tried track and field yet)
But i must say the funnest part was taunting other players online with hand gestures, it just makes you feel like he's right next to you even if the animations are a little buggy (very minimal though.)
After playing this for awhile, the kinect is NOTHING like the Wii (not sure about move) and once more games come out it will be worth the purchase 100% Don't let fanboys from other systems bum you down.
-Great for kids.
-You can actually get a bit of a work out.
-Controls are responsive unless you move to close (asks you to back up.)
-Kinect will not be a dissapointment, don't listen to fanboys or skeptics.
-Minigames are sort of boring.
-Not the best value.