Pretty good after expecting the worst.
User Rating: 7.5 | Kinect Star Wars X360
Not very good things were said about this game, but i like it. It captures my movements better than games like kinect sports(Golf), and Dance Central. I was expecting it to be horrible after reading all the previews. But I have played the campaign all day and tried out the rancor mode. It works fairly well for a kinect game. You are able to move around as you please. Although in the Campaign, moving around is hard to get used to while playing co-op. It is hard to see what is going on. Using the force in this game is very accurate and easy to comprehend. The pod racing mode is a very fun mode. It seems real when you get into it and it is very easy to control. You can control the speed and the direction of the Pod. People are upset because there is pretty much a set path to go through but it makes it better so your not worried about not knowing where to go and getting frustrated. I don't understand why people are not liking this game i see no definitive problems with it. I disagree with the 5.0 Gamespot gave this game. It is much better than I had anticipated.