SW fans will have fun!!
User Rating: 8.5 | Kinect Star Wars X360
I am having so much fun with this game! Poor reviews aside I still got this on day one. Being a SW fan for so many years I had to give it a try. I have been playing co -op with a friend through the entire Jedi adventure, played some pod racing, and dancing with Lando on Bespin. We have laughed, and spent hours playing this and I am still loving it. I have not tried some of the other mini games yet , but will get to those soon! The Jedi adventure is short only four Chapters I believe, with space combat, racing, and jedi swinging lightsaber fights. The Pod racing!!!!! AWESOME! the controls are tight and being a fan of the N64 SW pod racer this was a real treat for me. The dancing is hilarious and who does not want to see Lea dancing with a chain around her neck in front of Jabba the Hut!!!! I am not saying this is the best SW game only that if you go into the game to have fun and enjoy the SW universe you will smile and laugh and have a great time. If you are not a SW fan then you may be like what the heck but those of you who are will have a blast!!!! :)