I'll be one of the few. I like it.
I had high hopes for this game once I saw it being advertised. Star Wars? Kinect? Light sabers? It had to be good (I hoped). Once I had it in the house, I crossed my fingers and fired it up. Instantly the game detected me and my 5 year old standing next to me. My hopes soared, as even that act of detecting me and her is too much to ask of some titles. We began the Jedi chapter based on jumping, kicking, speeder driving, and light saber swinging.
There were times where I wondered what the game was seeing, as I moved from swinging my light saber to kicking my opponent. I clearly was doing that, but my on screen character just started to block attacks instead of pressing the attack. So the Kinect is not always perfect in-game.
But the time I spent with my daughter watching her laugh and cheer as we battled battle droids together, made this game one of the best Kinect titles released, at least for my small family.
We have now spent several hours over the span of a few nights swinging and jumping and kicking bad guys. We haven't tried dancing yet. That seems a little... odd.
I'll be one of the few. I like it. I can't say that about many Kinext titles.