Too many bugs, broken economic system
I have been playing for hours now, and unlike the last King Arthur game and every other turn based global map RTS in the world this one does not give you money per tern for the provinces you own, infact the only way to get more money is to win battles
and to win battles your need an army and if you want an army you need money, circle of life
so when you run out of money because you came out of a battle and cant afford to replace the men you lost, you need to restart the campaign since you dont have enough money to continue on
They simplified the town management system to the point where you dont need to do anything, this new King Arthur is all action and nothing more hence why i think 6 is enough infact thats being generous
Maybe when this game goes on sale on steam -75% off you should consider it but for £10 thats quite alot of money for what your getting