This game is a combination of RPG and strategy, almost reminds me a little of Master of Magic without the turn based movement. It was a refreshing change compared to some of the current micromanaging games over the past couple of years. The game play is faster compared to most and the battle map fights are faster than the total war series most of the time which is good if you have a family. It is also nice to be able to win a battle without fighting because they added a new element to battles with victory locations. The text quests are not long and are fun to complete. The only one that was sort of long to do was a maze quest, which I drew out a map based on the text (remember the text based game ZORK series for the Commodore 64). The graphics are another part of the game that makes this game very immersive.
So far there is only 4 things that stick out as a negative:
1) Bows are overpowered 2) Game difficulty 3) Quests that do not have time limits due disappear sometimes 4) Too many quests popping up at once
Other Helpful Reviews for King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame
Pros: Great graphics Beautiful music Moderate AI for Normal (advanced players are suggested to play hard) Fluent gameplay (no bug so far) Good blend of Role play into RTS and turn based strategy Players have lots o... Read Full Review
Role-playing Wargame. Indeed we are presented with a game that takes the fun elements from Total War games, couples them heroes and magic, and adds a little bit of classic "Choose Your Adventure" style text role playing... Read Full Review