Try before you buy. This is half hearted cheap conversion from the PS2 game.
The graphics are truly awful, they haven't even bothered to recode it so you can get a 480p version. The music is tacky and eventually extremely irritating, even the extra tracks you can buy don't do much for it, the characters are basically well "slutty" is the word i used at the time, theres some unlockable characters as well but its hardly exciting stuff.
On the positive side theres a good range of balls, clubs and in game bonuses you can pick up which does give the game a little bit more interest but overall they don't do enough to make it worth the money.
In conclusion its a cheap PS2 convert, it makes no use of the Wii's features, the graphics are rubbish, the contols are unweildy, the courses are boring, the characters are nothing special and the music is annoying. Ok, ill be honest I absolutely hated this game, I strongly recommend hiring it first if you are thinking of buying it.