The Amalgamation of Disney Characters not for Everyone
All my friends, here on GS, warned me not to play this game first, and I wish I had listened. I enjoyed the graphics, which were really well executed on the 3D platform. The game combines elements that remind me of RPG and action. There is an introduction of 'Flo-motion' in the game, which allows the two protagonists to bounce off of enemies or specific surfaces, creating a more powerful attack. The characters also have a 'command' deck to cycle through spells, which re-charge after use. The principles of the game follow throughout every section, the boss battles sufficiently challenging, the normal game play allowing for a variety of ways to get through battle.
The game is solid, an excellent entry to a good series, but it never held my interest, not even once. After much debate, I'm selling the collector edition of the game, tired of fighting with a game I can hardly find time for. As a game made specific for the 3DS, the game is quite masterful in its use of the 3D elements, though at times, only the cut-scenes seem to render well. Overall, a middling game, at best, worth a purchase on sale and if you're a KH fan only. The 'cuteness' of the Disney characters wore on me as I never expected they would and each hour was more agonising than the last.