Great addition to the Kingdom Hearts series but wish it didn't have long loading times!

User Rating: 8.5 | Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep PSP
As I began playing BbS I found myself wishing it was for at least PS2. The loading times became totally annoying especially when you're low on PSP battery and have a huge cutscene to watch followed by loading. LOL. You have to load to save, load to open the menu, Load in-between level scenario changes, Load between cutscenes. lol. It becomes annoying but the game is soo addicting that you will bypass it. I do recommend installing the game but it doesn't help much.

Other reviewers have said the graphics are pixelated, I totally disagree. That only happens when you open menu and save at a save point. To me the graphics were on par with the PS2 and somehow more clean and crisp.

The music is catchy and of course familiar. If you're a disney fanatic (me of course) you be singing the lyrics to the instrumental tracks of the levels. Found Cinderella's level addicting repeating bibbity bobbity boo, and Disney Town's Mickey Mouse theme wouldn't get out of my head. lol.The Voice acting is top notch. Even the new Mickey Mouse guy. I'm in love with Aqua's gentle voice and surprised with Mark Hamil's Eraqus. My Gosh that man is talented.

Gameplay! WOW! Gameplay is AMAZING!! The best in the series. I really hope they carry this to Kingdom Hearts 3. I loved leveling up my powers and magics. and the finish attacks and power ups. Very awesome looking and the execution is easy.

last but not least, Story. Even though I considered it too short. That storyboard writer should be handed an award. To include 3 stories interwoven together so seamlessly is commendable in my eyes. The story didn't make an emotional impact as Crisis Core but still up there in my fav. stories.

overall its a great game and I hope for a PS2 port with no loading. lol. Fans will love it. And newcomers to since really its Kingdom Hearts 0. lol.