And i though Kingdom Hearts couldn't get any better.
Story: The story is one of the greatest stories that i have ever seen in a video game with plenty of plot twists and great characters and villains. Taking place 10 years before the original Kingdom Hearts and filling most of the plot holes in the entire franchise.
Gameplay: This time you can use attack decks in which you can equip awesome and powerful attacks. Multiplayer is also possible in the Mirage Arena in which you can play in tournaments either alone, with friends or even online. By completing tournaments be it fighting, racing or even board games, you level up your arena rank and get access to even more tournaments.
Music: I just have to mention the soundtrack of this game. It's one of the best sound tracks i have ever heard in a video game. It's so good that you can easily end up on Youtube listening to all of the music and being engulfed in the sheer epicness.
Overall i recommend this game to anyone who likes RPGs or even acton game for that matter. Kingdom Hearts fans will love this game to death and non-fans will probably like it. It might be worth mentioning that this is not a "side-game" but a main game like Kh1 and Kh2.
Story: 9/10
Gameplay: 8,5/10
Music: 9,5/10
Graphics: 9/10
Audio: 8,5/10
Replay Value: 9/10
Overall: 9,5/10