a prime example of how a bad story can kill an rpg experience but how a engaging battle system can completly save it.

User Rating: 9.2 | Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories GBA
When the original Kingdom hearts was released it was well recieved and well liked by critics despite the unholy union between 2 almost polar opposite companies. I was the type who fell in love with the game, so much in fact it is only the fourth rpg I've ever felt compelled to complete(The others being ff7 and the two paper mario games.) So my expectations for the gba iteration of one of my favorite rpg franchises was really high and I am glad to report to you that it meets them in every area, except in the story department. The real time card battle system is,for lack of other words awesome. The combanation of strategy and action is fully realized as it requires speed of hand and mind. Sure you could just mash on the a button, but the only place that'll get you is dead. speaking of death the game was actually pretty challanging but also a little on the short side, but the reverse rebirth mode adds twice the amount of play time to the adventure and is most certainly worth the second play through. Having gushed about the battle system I now come to my biggest beef with the game, the story. The story in the first game was an intrigueing blend of disney's cute animation and square's darker storylines. I was really looking for an expansion on the ideas brought up in the first game but all I got was recycled landscapes and boss battles. I mean not even new bosses!!!!!!!!! the same guard armor the same captain hook. I feel that Square enix could have brought more the the Kingdom hearts table storywise but the battle system will probably make this the fifth rpg I finish.