Just like I hoped for...
People who didn't like the card thing and said alot of crap about it, but yet again they must likely never played the game long enough to get the good cards, I mean it's an RPG in must RPGs you have to gain levels to get the good crap, so they should have thought of that.
The graphics turned me on to it, the graghics were clear and beyond any game I've ever seen for the gameboy advance. You could tell that was sora, he was riku and that guy looks like a girl.
The battles were great, the fact that you could just run around them and get a way, inproved the game.
Full cg cutscenes was just one of the many improvements to the GBA, even if it lacked voice in them it didn't need it, I mean some of the cutscenes in the first one had just subs and that's it.
Full MP3 song in the end was great, never in my life have I found a game that did that.
Plus to rap it up when you beat the game there's another full game!!
Beat the first you get a preview of the KH2 if you did it right.
beat riku's story I don't know if there is a preview.
Great game, great story, and just buy it and try it.