A truly amazing game if you can get the card system down.
User Rating: 9.2 | Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories GBA
Although Kingdom Hearts on PS2 if a lot more engaging, Kingdom Hearts:Chain of Memories has its own ups and downs. To the up side, the storyline can become very suspensful and heart-warming. Also, special scenes can have graphics that are as good on the PS2 (which is pretty impresive if you ask me!). Battles with bosses are truly engaging, after you get near the end of the game. To the down side: The card-battle set-up is pretty disappointing. And some Heartless are a little to easy to beat, while others take quite a while to beat (such as the Neo Heartless). Also, you have to collect cards to have your friends come out on the field for like, 6 seconds. But if you can see past the stuff like that, (such as I can) you will probably really enjoy this game. I know I have!