This game is a so-so adventure card game
The main difference between Kingdom Hearts on the PS2 and Kingdom Hearts on the GBA is the new and some people may say improved gameplay however the new battling mechanics are can be very hard and frustrating.The new gameplay is like Dragonball Z Super Worriors where the attack and the amount damage the attack does is determined by which card is used.Most people who have this game will say that the new battling mechanics are hard and sometimes frustrating but adds a fresh and new concept to the Kingdom Hearts franchise and i think it fits in well.Either than the new battle mechanics there isnt alot of difference between the PS2 and GBA versions but in Chain Of Memories Donald and Goofy arent fighting beside you they are more like a powerful move because if you have there card they will jump into the scene and attack for a few seconds.
The graphics in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories are awsome and even the environment and opposing heartless/characters are very detailed.The sound is nothing special but it wont bother you much at all which is rare with GBA rpg games like this one.The best thing about Kingdom Hearts was the amount of hours you could spend playing the game which was over 70 hours if you liked it and that is a bit different in Chain of Memories as if your a fan of the Kingdom Hearts franchise you will play this game for 50+ hours i would say.
Overall Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories is one of the best GBA games next to golden sun and the FF series.