Best Kingdom Hearts Series So Far.
First the Story is, Sora, Donald, and Goofy wakes up in this white room, and they don't know why, but then later they go to other worlds to help out and seal keyhole just like the last game. Before you play as Sora, you play other character name Roxas, in Twilight Town, he get dreams all the time about Sora, so then later you'll understand about him as you play through the game.
The battle system is same as last game, but they also added green action to let you talk, dodge, and make more damage to your opponents. Also, in your menu you can put abilities like jumping, sliding, and more. Then also, during your adventure, you have drives, you can turn into froms and have two keyblades instead of one, but be careful about your drive gauge, and you can get refill by defeat enemies. And they're so many more you must learn of how you play the game.
The graphics is great, but not so much great, but it's good. Some speaking is some goofy because of translation from Japanese to English voices and lines you read throught the scenes. Then the sound and voice acting is great, some voice characters you may reconize and sound is great as you beat the heartless, and there are new enemy characters called Nobodies, and you'll find more about them when you play as Sora.
After playing this, you may questions that you need to know, I reccomended playing all series then you'll understand of the stories and all that. But still, it's best game in the series you'll play, and you can't wait until Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out. ^_^