Kingdom hearts 2 is an awesomely original game that fuses the power of square enix and Disney to make one sweet RPG.....

User Rating: 9.4 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
Kingdom hearts 2 is by far the best RPG I personally have ever played. It is a tight piece of work that has elements from both Disney and Square enix.

Possibly the best thing about kingdom hearts 2 is the length. It takes around 4 hours just to complete the intro gameplay, in which you play as Roxas. Another great thing about this game is that even if you havnt played the first game, the seemingly millions of cutscenes in the game provide enough information to keep you intrigued till the end, and you will eventually understand the whole storyline(though it may take some time).

When you finally start playing as the main hero, you will feel a sense of acomplishment and relief. After giving Roxas the boot, you play as the head hero, Sora. You might have figured that to be a girl's name, but seems to fit. Anyway, the graphics look great.

The cut-scenes feature characters from popular Disney movies such as Mulan, and Pirates of The Caribbean. It also contains many characters from oh so popular Final Fantasy. The game's fighting system feels very smooth and is a lot of fun. As you gain experience, level up, and aquire new abilities, you discover many more ways of slautering the heartless with youre 2 best homeboyz, Donald and Goofy.

Kingdom hearts 2 is a key-blade of ever loving joy all the way through.
If you like Final Fantasy, Disney, RPGs and Mickey Mouse, Kingdom Hearts 2 is a MUST BUY dammit !!!. ALSO:King Mickey kicks so much more @$$ than you do its not even funny.