One of the best RPGs ever made.
This game is a b e a utiful game witha gripping story and fun gameplay. this game will have u playing hours on end without a break. A great addition is the gummi ship missions and trying in to a better rank.
The game picks a couple years after Kingdon Hearts. You start out as a new character named Roxas. Playing as Roxas is 3 hour long proluge, but after you get through it you start playing as Sora and start your adventure. You learn that there is an orginization call orginization XIII and the are bent on puting everthing into darkness. As usual you have to travel to all the seperate Disney worlds. -New Aditions-
A couple new and great aditions are first sora's drive. This is a great and powerful adition that lets you dule weild keyblades. Another is the gummi ship battles. In KHII they made it funner and more of a mini game that will have u playing for a while. And finaly there are a couple of new worlds. They added Pirates of the Caribbean The Lion King and others. -Game Play-
Everthing is the same as Kingdon Hearts, exsept for the newly added drive. Your run around to where you have to go and fight enemys as they appear. Everyone has there own techniques adn abilitys that they learn through out the game. -Graphics-
The graphics are incredible in the opening and ending movies. They show what the PS2 can accually do. They had me in aw when i first saw then and they really show how far game graphics have come. The in game graphics aren't bad compared to most games, but they aren't the best. -Sound-
The sound is great. The soundtrack fits this game perfectly. Everytime i play or think of this game the main theme pops into my head. The sound effects fit this everthing perfectly.
-Look Back-
This game has it all, a great story, beautiful graphics and great sound. This game is for anyone PRG fan or not, and will have u playing until its over. I recommend this game to everyone who wants a good worth money game.