Kingdom Hearts 1 was great what about the sequel? Will It be good or will it suck? Just take a guess.

User Rating: 9 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
First thing to say is: Don't believe the hype, never do that, first rent it or something if it's your first KH game.

Now will it be good or will it suck? Can't be as good as kingdom hearts 1 right? RIGHT? Wrong, it can be but in another way. Let me explain this:

What is better: a game full of secrets, a good story which lacks a bit of consistancy and a nice gameplay with good characters and lovely sound
A game without in-depth secrets, a great story and interesting characters, which lacks a bit of interesting gameplay and still has that good sound?

For the people that didnt play it: the first description is kingdom hearts 1 and the second is kingdom hearts 2. The first game was shallow in the meanings that it was dissapointed about the story because it was square and square makes games with awesome stories, but overall it was good.
KH2 on the other hand has a great story but is a shallow game on the side of gameplay: buttonmashing, it's just buttonmashing. Is it bad because of that? Is God of War bad because it is based on buttonmashing? NO!
And that's my point!

Kingdom Hearts is a good game well worth the wait but sometimes its too easy and it's too danm short! Overall it's a very good game just like KH but i think a lot of people won't like the buttonmashing, go rent it first and see if you like it.