Great production values and good mix of characters from disney and final fantasy make this game worth buying
The gameplay is very basic and consists most of the time in button smashing, and once in a while you'll be asked to press the triangle button in some specific situation and by pressing it a special display sequence will be activated which most of the time are very cool to watch, you can also use different types of magic but at the end nothing works better than the keyblade (I rarely used magic during the whole game). Leveling up is not very difficult and the game is easy overall (easier than the previous one), probably only a couple of bosses will get you thinking how to defeat them, but after a few tries you will figure out their weak points.
Graphics are great and the disney characters really look like their original counterpart, and you really feel as if you were inside those disney movie worlds; better than the graphics is the animation, specially the animation work from the main characters (Donald, Goofy and Sora). The music and sound effects are very good too and you will remember the intro and ending songs even after you finished the game, since they are beautiful and the whole adventure will take you some 20-25 hours to finish. If you like well crafted & original games or if you are a fan of the disney or final fantasy characters then you should get kingdom hearts 2, I am sure you will a good time with this game.