Kingdom Hearts II continues the great story fusion between Square and Disney and starts the addiction all over again.

User Rating: 9.5 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
Kingdom Hearts II picks up after KH Chain of Memories and starts you in the shoes of Roxas. You play as Roxas through the first level which serves mainly as a tutorial and lasts around 2 hours. The story line in KH II then picks up back with Sora and follows his journey through many new and returning Disney worlds such as Mulan, the Lion King, Tron, Steamboat Willie, and many other favorites. You will be fighting a evil group called Organization XIII through out the plot which happens to be full of great twists and turns and plenty of fun new characters. Although the story is great and strong through the game it lacks in the sense that it playing through the Disney levels don't serve a point in the story, you do them to progress and get to the levels with plot. The gameplay is slightly improved along with the camera and the graphics have increased dramatically.

All in all Kingdom Hearts II is a great game and a worthy addition to a great franchise, it does not ignite the same spark as the first game did but it is still a great game with many new worlds to explore and a must buy for fans of the first.