delightfully entertaining and endearing, but dreadfullly repetitive and oddly satisfying
User Rating: 9 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
first off i fully agree with gamespot's score of this game. now for the good stuff. starting off the game as roxas is a bit slow and seems to have no real point to the overall plot, and for a long time it continues to seem this way. but like all ff classics the loose ends get tied up near the end and everything makes a lot more sense. i am of course saying that the plot is o so final fantasy. this can be a good or a bad thing depending on your outlook on the final fantasy plot lines. characters as well benefit from the enix touch. all of them are endearing and fun and there is also the benefit of the classic disney characters that we know and love. on the topic of disney charcters, there is the problem of some of the voice acting with the signature voices (jack sparrow). as anyone who has played this game already knows, the deppster was otherwise engaged in activities and was unable to voice the sparrowmeister. this was frustrating not only the first time through the world, but the second time as well. this aside all the other worlds have no such ailments in voice acting. battle is repetitive (i.e. button mashing) but aesthetically a beauty, something that is doubled with the addition of the drive forms which were the cause of many grin inducing bash fests where foe after foe fell to some ridiculously powerful combos. this however is not necessary thanks to the pathetically easy difficulty setting. admittedly i did go through on the easiest setting since i am an unabashed plot whore, so the harder settings might please you 1337 h4x0rz out there. now i know that this seems like all negatives, and i myself was startled to find myself loving this game despite all of the letdowns. so trust me here, this game is insanely good (not halo good or anything like that but you get what i mean) and is definitely worth buying. so do it.... now...