One of the best games i've ever played and i've played alot of em

User Rating: 10 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
This game is by far the best rpg i've played so far this year, I don't think that any rpg that comes out this year could possibly top this game, maybe except the next final fantasy lol...the graphics are top notch as well as the story, those who aren't familiar with kingdom hearts or doesn't even like rpgs will love this game. Now i'll be honest, no one really would think that a disney character could actually fight......period.......for those who think this..YOU ARE WRONG!!!!... play this game and you'll be surprised how well lil old donald and goofy duke it out, and if that doesn't impress you, wait until you play as King Mickey LOL... This game has a very unique story line that will catch the eye of anyone that plays the game, but it's the fighting system that everyone will love if they like to battle, for us rpg gamers the overall story will make us play, it has some...well interesting minigames and the gummi ship battles are much better then in the first game. Those that love final fantasy won't be disappointed either getting to fight Cloud and the Seporith will make anyone happy....... This game is a major grab and i'd recommend it to anyone that can handle it