User Rating: 9.5 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
This game is very very good, mixing disney characters and final fantasy characters. I'm not a big fan of disney, but I love final fantasy! In this one, you meet a new character named Roxas, who finds himself living in a normal town, what he doesn't realize, what he was living in was just a computer program (like the matrix)lol after soon discoverying clues, he runs into a girl named Namine who reveals some of his memories from the past. Now I know what your thinking, how does sora and kairi get into the pic? Ever wondered how Roxas and Sora look so much alike? I can't go any farther than that, but if you play this game rightnow, you'll soon find out. Oh you find Riku too, towards the end of the game. Oh new bad guys you can their kick a$$e$, called Organazation XIII. The very last one you face is very very hard, you have like 4 to 5 rounds to completely defeat this character. Trust me, if you're a final fantasy freak like How I am, you gotta see this!