Kingdom Hearts 2 is a long, but unsatisfying adventure, full of beautiful animations but average gameplay.
To the true hardcore gamer, the gameplay of Kingdom Hearts 2 leaves one feeling unsatisfied and bored. In almost every mission, the player will find him/herself button mashing the X button over and over again to demolish enemies. This repetitive technique somewhats bores the player. However, a new added gameplay feature is the ability to drive the gummi ship in action-packed mission as the process of traveling from world to world is undertaken.
Beautiful characters, cutscenes, animations, and worlds engulf the player as he/she travels from world to world. Sound:
Amazing. Excellent voice acting, beautiful Disney movie music, and battle sounds will a joy for the player to hear.
Plenty of hours and plenty of worlds = plenty of gameplay.
Kingdom Hearts 2 is the long-awaited successor to the highly successful Kingdom Hearts. While the game contains beautiful characters, excellent voice acting, and Square's tradition of drawing amazing cut scenes, it contains many flaws in gameplay.