Way too easy.

User Rating: 8.3 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
So, KH2 is here. everyone waited for this day.
Well, i did so too, but when i started to play i knew something is diffrent, for bad. first, the game is way too easy. no more thinking to do, there are almost no puzzles at all.
The combat became really, really, really easy.
When the instruction says "Defeat all the Heartless!", in other words, it says "Spam the X button!". also, bosses are way too easy. once you get the chance to use the Triangle button, you just spam it and do the special thing on that boss, making the fight even easyer.
Summons are useless, there isnt even anything to say. just damn useless.
Drives are cool, but you dont realy need em at normal fights against weak enemies, it is usefull only against bosses, mainly beacause they do hell of dmg, and, they are cool.
Limits makes the fights even easyer than you will think. you can do a limit with any of your party members and use all your MP to dish out some good dmg AoE. it might use all your MP, but it restores so quick you will it again and again about every minute if ur bored of X spam.
The graphics are awesome, fits well disney charecters and FF charecters, altho the Pirates of Car. graphics are wierd and it is wierd to see jack sparrow fighting with sora in diffrent graphics.
The music, as expected in Square games, is amazing and charming.
The story is very very good, deeper than the older game. I, presonally, play this game just for the story, as combat is just easy and even not fun.
So, is the game worth a buy? sure, if you played the first one. if you didnt, not only you wont understand what is going on, you will also notice it isnt fun beacause the fights are too easy.
FF fans, buy this. Disney "likers", im not sure if you will like this, after all, donald burning stuff and freezing, and goofy fighting with a shield might seem abit wierd, yet its done in a good way that kids will like.
if ur not FFnor played KH, dont buy this, its bad for you.