Really good game
User Rating: 9.8 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
If your going to the store to get a game a nd your not sure what game you want to get get this one. it is really fun and has a lot of replay value.the anamation in this game is better than the first one and the camera actually stays on you. it does have some anamation problems though if you get really close to a heartless you will see the flaws in the animation. The levels are really short and very easy to beat. it will only take you like 30 minuets to beat a level which is not long at all but, it has a lot of levels so you will be playing it for a while.Overall this game is very fun with all the new magic attacs and drive it succedes the first one.If you want some good hack and slash action you've gotta pick up this game you'll be making the right choice.