You will be amazed.
The game Kingdom hearts plays fairly impressively which I am surprised and this is an action-RPG but it does it well the leveling up is good and in this game you can use a limited number of potions in battle but anyway you get to control sora and roxas and sora actually has more power in the game but then again both sora aand roxas are equally matched.
Pretty impressive the music is great one of the best is straght from the intro. and sound effect well there always good right>_>
Pretty good for ps2 the cutscenes and the introduction scene are great and the visualizing them perfect but wait until kingdom hearts 3 for ps3 right?
The storyline actually starts off as you playing roxas and after 6 days in the game anyway and not real time 6 days you play as sora after a cutscene that shows roxas looking at sora. then you play as sora and the story is that you play from disney character levels so it is like multiple stories in one right. In which the only one I didn't like was the pirates level. With that this is game every ps2 owner should own and you may have to play through twice to get used to the story since it was a little confusing unless that is because I haven't played the orignal kingdom hearts yet.