What can i say? I really can't say anything except shy of perfection.

User Rating: 9.6 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
When i first got this game, as soon as i walked out of the Gamestop, i opened it inside of my car, and smelled the inside. I know it seems pretty weird, but it works for me. I have been anticipating this game FOR SO LONG now, and now that i finally get to play it, i am NOT disappointed. And any Kingdom Hearts fan shouldn't be disappointed either. Also, if you are disappointed, shame on you. Let's get into the review.

Gameplay- Nothing really has changed as far as gameplay goes, Sora does run differently when fighting, but the same when passive. He has a wide range of new moves to learn, which are sweet to see when you get past the button mashing to see there is some actual depth to the gameplay. We are still with Sora, but we start off as Roxas. A nobody that was created when Sora was turned into a heartless near the end of KH1. I know it's a spoiler, but come on now. Anyone who is reading this review should at least be somewhere past the nobody part by now. Anyways, the moves are flashy enough to give a sweat shop kid a heart attack in a minute, and there are reaction commands and Drive gauges now. I love the Drive gauges, they are really cool. You get to "fuse" with one of your party members and take on an "excelled" form of that form of combat or magic. Fusing with Goofy gives you enhanced fighting abilities, while fusing with Donald gives you enhanced magic abilities. But with the Master form gives you a equal balance of strength and magic between Sora, Donald and Goofy all together. Which is really cool. The reaction commands are really cool as well, pulling off moves your hands would never be able to catch up with, plus they play a huge role in defeating certain bosses. You get a wild range of new heartless to brawl with, and the new "Nobodies" are even COOLER to fight against. They are the true turning point of this game, so cool to fight a new challenging enemy. The reaction commands, when performed are excellent to watch.

Graphics- They have improved over the last one, considering that cutscenees are a lot sharper this time around, although they still display that same PS2 limited pixel type thing. But it's all gravy, this games graphics do excel over the previous, with the new characters, new worlds, new fighting styles and everything. Even the pre-rendered cutscenes look superior to the old Kingdom Hearts.

Audio- The voice acting is as same as it was, everyone is a little bit older, has now hit puberty, and is now discovering what it's like to be older. Especially Sora, he sounds completely different from what he did before. The sounds are still whacky and quirky as you'd expect from a square enix production. The music, OMG. PWNAGE/10000000. I love the new beginning theme song. It's so perfect for the new tone of the game, and the darker type style Sora adopts, with new clothes and all. Sanctuary is WAY better than Simple & Clean, i love S&C, but Sanctuary takes the cake.

Value- If you loved the last one, you will definitely love this one. A true KH fan, or a true RPG fan will definitely enjoy the ending secret movie at the end. OMG, it's so great. And fighting this time around with Sephiroth and seeing the movie that unfolds with CLOUD and SEPHIROTH fighting. OMG, major spoiler.

Reviewer's Tilt- Love it, Hate it, whatever. Pick this up, pop it in your PS2 and enjoy the awesomeness of which is Kingdom Hearts 2.