A sequel that is almost as good as it's predicessor.

User Rating: 9.6 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
Yes almost,

The tutorial: is really, really, long... it will take you about 2-4 hours to get out of the tutorial in this game, this isn't just telling you the controlls, in the tutorial you see a lot of the story of the game and have frequent flashbacks into Kingdom Hearts, you do a lot of fun things in it, so don't dis this game for the length of it's tutorial.

The good: This game has an equally fantastic story building nicely off of Kingdom Hearts, it's got an Awsome array of Keyblabe Chains to collect for weaponry, and a musical score that will remind you strongly of Kingdom Hearts all this along with new characters (no details, it would spoil it) from Disney classics that most players thought should have been included in the first are brought to life in smooth neatly designed worlds, another great addition is the Drive system in which Sora can combine with 1-2 of his allies to change both his appearence and powers, there are several to obtain, though the last form you get will blow you away, all of them have their own strengths and weaknesses... well that's excluding that last form you get... that one's flawless, these forms add a lot of variety to the gameplay, one might enhance your hand-to-hand combat skills while another makes you an uber-death-mage capable of destroying all around you with but a word... er button press, over all, this game is a great addition and doesn't slip far from the first Kingdom Hearts.

The bad: Difficulty, is there any for those who played the first KH?, not really... although there is one secret boss that will literally rip you a new one, most enemies and bosses will leave you with a bit of a hollow victory (i'm speaking of Proud mode, the highest difficulty)... that about sums up the bad i found in it... play it in Proud for what challenge it might offer you.

Even with the difficulty I've found that this game is still worth the money even if it's just so you can reminisce about all the characters brought to the game, you'll have a lot of fun identifying those new characters, I know I did.