good, but a little disapointing
Gameplay. the gameplay i thought was really good. There was a lot of button mashing but at times you had to stratagize what you were going to do so you ddin't die. The controls were simple and easy to use. Once thing i didn't like about the gameplay was the camera angle at some points, it didin't help and amde the game hard. The levels were fun, you didn't get lost or anything but like i said you couldn't wonder around, you had to stay in the same area and some worlds were really small. Graphics: The graphics i thought were pretty impressive. I main thing i enjoyed was the scenery, it was very polished and nice. The worlds also matched to how they actually are in the movies and such. The forms also gave you a thrill everytime you changed because of the flash inc olors. They hartless were very well animated. The nobodies also were very flowing and looked complete. The most impressive part of the graphics on this game would have to be the World that Never Was. I thought the world was spectacularly done and complete. It really had a chaotic feel in my opinion.
Sound: I honestly didn't like the sound to much. I didn't like the music in the worlds or when you were in pause but it was bearable. It sounded a little to "after school special" in my opinion.
Value: i usually give games a bad revies when it comes to value but the value in this game rocks. I have been playing for 60+ hours to complete the journal and level up to beat sepheroth and i am still not bored. I go on and have fun everytime. This game definatly has replay value
Overall, the game was pretty good with the exception of sound and some of the worlds. The game in my opinion deserves a 8.5. I hope you enjoyed it as much as i did.