Better than the original.
User Rating: 9.5 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
Kingdom Hearts II is basically about the same as Kindom Hearts. There are some changes, such as new characters, lack of old characters, and new enemies. Probably my favorite though, is the Triangle Button is used instead of scrolling down to select the action, and in place of that is the new Drive Forms. Drive forms are a special, well, form of Sora. He uses either Donald, Goofy, or both (if you use one of the final two you get) to activate it, and special attacks become available. For instance, the Valor Form makes Goofy disappear, but Sora becomes significantly stronger, and can unleash a speedy and vicious combo attack with a devastating finale. The Wisdom Form makes Donald disappear, and as you can probably guess, you gain stronger magic. The storyline is generally the same, but the prologue begins with a boy named Roxas, who is having dreams of Sora, and can wield a keyblade, and in some instances, two. Eventually he discovers a machine in a mansion near his hometown, destroys it, and Sora wakes up. You also discover your new enemies, the Nobodies, and Organization XIII, who are basically Super-Nobodies. You set out again to save the universe, and Sora gets new clothes, as the game was developed when voice actor Haley Joel Osment finally hit puberty. Because of this, Sora hit a growth spurt, and his new black clothes are much cooler. As you progress through the story, you will meet many of your friends from the first game, though some have changed, such as Cloud, who no longer is hired to kill Hercules, but now wants only to hunt down and kill Sephiroth in Hollow Bastion. Several worlds are different too, such as an actual world in the Olympic Colosseum, and Hollow Bastion is an actual city. As to be expected, there are several plot twists, such as a certain villain from the first game isn't actually a villain, he just suffered identity theft, and the ties between Roxas and Sora become explained. It is a highly satisfying game, and exceeds the first by a long shot, and i recommend it to everyone.