Kingdom Hearts II is a masterpiece full of secrets and a long story that is never boring at all!

User Rating: 9.2 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
This game is a great game with no flaws at all! There is are glitches that seem to help you progress in the game or obtain stuff, which makes it a good game because of tat and the story, controls and secrets to find out!

There are new worlds and of course, new characters to play as and even team up with! There is a new system for designing your status and abilities, even a new way to build and fly ships!

There are new controls and abilities to use, as well as a ton of weapons to choose from, there is also a few secrets from the original Kingdom Hearts, and some are revealed here! There also new and old enemies, a very new type of enemy and every character from Kingdom Hearts: Chain of memories.

Finally, the music and graphics are really good. The foes you fought before are surprisingly different in a way, if you play all the Kingdom Hearts games in order, you will find how much things changed since the past games.