Much Better Than The First With Many Improvements!
If you've played the first you basically know Kingdom Hearts has a varied battle system. Well I'm here to tell you it's back with the new "drive" feature that lets you morph into more powerful versions of Sora along with new summons and new magic. There's a downfall though of all this great new stuff, you'll barely ever need to use it since the game is too easy even on the hardest difficulty which is "Proud Mode".
Now onto the keyblade system! It's much more a button mashing system this time around. The system gets better as you get through the game since you get more and more fun combos you can unleash. There's another new battle feature on top of "drive" which is called "reaction commands"! These can be quite fun to unleash but, the spots you get to really use them are the introduction level and ending level and further visits to the intro level.
You probably already know about the great new camera system, right? The system ties the camera to the right analog stick instead of the shoulder buttons. The battle system has also improved (stated in more detail above)! Also, this time around the game is a lot less repetive with fun minigames such as the rhythm minigame in Atlantica. The improved gummi ship system this time around is so good it could be selt as a whole other game!
The graphics look great and pull off that 2D to 3D (for most Disney films) jump quite nicely. The animations are without a flaw with every detail possible on the PS2 (hair wobbles, chains move, etc)! The particle effects (especially the fire in Land of Dragons) look completely fantastic! The The voice acting and sound effects are all top-notch, too as expected! The 5.1 mix was okay at the most.