A good follow up game for KH1 and COM and has a good storyline. After you do beat there are still mission completions.
User Rating: 10 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
This game is a good game for Kingdom Hearts fans and newcomers. The first storyline was better then the second but it stil is a good game. If you have played Chain of Memories it helps you understand more about the backround for Namine and Riku's experience with King Mickey but you dont need it. Sora has gone through a litlle puberty and when I say that I mean Haley Joel Osment but it still is the same person making the experience believeable. In the end it leaves on another cliff hanger which gives room for a third game which makes more hype. It also gives you more Jiminey time so work on a 100% to get a secret ending. This game overall is great and is one of my all time favorites!