the best thing about the game is the story

User Rating: 10 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
the story is amazing the beginig isnt realy quit good its kinda boring untile u are sora again then the game begin the controls in this game arent realy hard u still find the combat good and not very easy and u can make alot of amazing moves and they are not very hard to do and so is the magic and i realy liked how things develope in the story and how u look diffiernt in some places like the lion king place and other places the game is a realy amazing expirince and i always wished that it never ends the gearing part is kinda weird i realy didnt understand most but its still a nice touch but still the only thing the changes in the look of sora or donald or goffy is there weaopen but it dosent matter gathring money in this game wasnt hard either except in the beggning when u have to gather 800 or something that was kinda boring the music in this game was realy amazing and the ending and things that happens are bot funny and sad theres alot of funny moments with the disney charcaters the ending and the story fits wonderfully and ending was realy good and the credits was also good and after u fnish the game u wish u could go back in time and play it all over again