Pretty great!
Story: The story picks up after Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. It was pretty easy to miss, due to the fact that it was on the Gameboy Advance. You start out as a boy named Roxas, who lives in the 2nd to last area in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Twilight Town. Roxas occasionally meet up with Namine, a girl that took Kairi's place in Sora's Memories in the previous game. After playing through a few days in Roxas' life, you take control of Sora once again. 10/10
Controls: The controls work very well. You'd be happy to know that the Camera has been fixed. You now use the Right Analog stick to control the camera. You navigate the menu by holding L2 and moving the Right Analog Stick. Though, it might feel different for those who are too used to Kingdom Hearts 1's camera. You also press Triangle to open doors, talk to people, and do other things. 9/10
Difficulty: The difficulty is a problem in the game. It's way too easy. The hardest difficulty on the American version, Proud Mode, is actually very easy. Combat is extremely simple and easy to master. The combat is the main point that makes it easy. The problem with Kingdom Hearts 1 was because it was really hard. I actually say it should reved up the difficulty on this one. 8.5/10
Graphics: The graphics are better than Kingdom Hearts 1. The mouth movements are more real, and the graphics have sharper resolution. It's a step up from the first one. 9/10
Overall, the game is extremely fun to play, but it doesn't hold up to the greatness that is kingdom Hearts 1. I'd say pick it up. Its totally worth it.