I am impressed....STOP THAT!
User Rating: 9 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
So you know how with the first one i was like "o.O really?" well with this one i was like "COME ON COME OUT ALREADY". This sequel has become one of my most replayed games and has climbed the ranks to reach my top 20 favorite games of all time. The music in this game is the first thing that hits you from the title screen to the first cut scene I applaud yoko shimomura for the excellence exhibited in this game and also utada for the opening song. Now to gameplay as usual it follows the same style for the most part with minor differences and a few tweaks in style and the story is as immersive as ever each cut scene makes you want to know what will happen next and the final fantasy and disney villains do it again and impress you with interactive boss battles. As a big fan of maleficent i was glad to see she was still around and even *spoiler* helped you out at one point. I also liked that they kept the bonus sephiroth fight in and of course he was just as annoying to kill as ever. I could go on and on about the game and not quite get to the end so i will just say you need to play it...now...right now go on! :P