possibly the greatest game that will ever exist

User Rating: 10 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
it doesn't take a genious to know this games good its graphics are almost the best ive ever seen highly discriptive and unbeliveble the gameplay is fighting rpg style attack and magic memu there is also fuision to make your charecter almost immortal like some really dumb god of some sort even though theres only one god {opinion| im a christian but where was i all yeah anyways you get cool sword combos you can later design with powers it leaves one as dust in the wind the sound is very enjoyable and gets cool on boss fights especially sephiroth!!! from ff7 its not at all like disney its more like final fantasy with controls the value is great for collections the tilt is almost flaw less it will go anywhere you want
people say the part with roxas sucks and there right but once you unlock sora which takes about an hour you can do any thing cut buildings shoot fire turn platnium and fly turn into heartless mode its great dont rent it buty it lots of secrets to ublock the ending on proud mode after credits will blow you up